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Monday, December 20, 2010

Training: The Awesomeness of Dumbbell Snatch and Dumbbell Swing

Sometimes we fear certain exercises simply because they look difficult. Other times we ignore certain exercises believing that they would be a waste of time and unable to stimulate any muscle growth. Where Dumbbell Swings and Snatches fit in this spectrum; I have no idea. I would assume that both reasons make people shy away from these two incredibly effective exercises.

Taking a page from old time strength training, I can safely say that these two exercises will alter your physique and strength levels rapidly. Why? Because they work almost all the muscles of the body. Imagine that, doing just two basic movements and stimulating all your muscle fibers from head to toe.

 One of my favorite aspects of these two exercises is the relatively simple set up and execution. Now of course one must learn the proper technique to perform any exercise (unless you want an injury) but the learning curve is remarkably easy.

Note: For the Dumbbell Swing, you can either use two hands (like the vid) or one hand like this gentleman:
And really that´s all there is to it. You´re getting a great cardiovascular workout (especially if you do light weights and more reps) and a great strength/muscle building workout (heavy weight/less reps/more sets). Plus there are so many other additional benefits; your grip, wrist and forearm will become stronger, your core (abs/obliques/lowerback/hips) will become stronger, you´ll notice an improvement in your balance and stability in other exercises and if you are a martial artist, you can expect more powerful punches and kicks. 

I also like these two exercises as an alternative to squats and deadlifts. There are some people out there who don´t have access to squat or deadlift equipment or who cannot perform those movements (for whatever reason). Of course you don´t want to neglect your lower body so the best alternative would be to do these two exercises. Of course you can add Snatches and Swings to complement your deadlifts and squats workout.

If you are still unsure about relying on two exercises to train your whole body, by all means, add in additional exercises you feel proper. For example, if you want greater core training, you can perform Turkish Get Ups
Now this gentleman is using Kettlebells (which are a fantastic piece of equipment..if you can, get them). If you are having trouble doing a full Turkish, then you can just go half way and come back. In time you´ll be strong enough to complete the whole movement. 

Additionally, you may be worried that your chest is not getting enough stimulation. Well by all means, add in the bench press. Basically you´re trying to do the minimum possible while still making great gains, and for beginners, they certainly will. 

If you want even more torture (or fun!), then consider this all body exercise: 
Now this kid is using a barbell but if you don´t have one or you are looking for a real challenge, then try it with a dumbbell. It may seem deceptively easy but don´t let the exercise fool´re going to have to use every ounce of balance and strength to keep from crashing. 

I won´t specify how many reps or sets you have to do; that´s entirely up to you. Train the way you want to train and adjust accordingly to your needs and goals. Just remember to be consistent (try doing them 2-3 times a week; one heavy session and one light session). 

Alright! Get Snatchin and Swingin!!

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