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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

News: Drink Beet Root Juice and boost your cardio!

Hate veggies? Well too bad. Researchers have found out that beet root juice improves your cardio vascular health by allowing you to do more physical work with less oxygen consumption. An experiment showed that those individuals who drank beet root juice needed 12% less oxygen to perform activities compared to the control group.

So what does this mean? It means that athletes and trainers are all very intrigued by this amazing find and want to use it to improve their performance. Hey it's also good for older folks who suffer from respiratory problems. If it allows you to do more work with less oxygen then it sounds pretty damn good to me.

How does this work? Well there are two reasons. First, beet root juice helps dilate your blood vessels allowing for more blood flow and reducing blood pressure. Second, beet root juice allows your muscle to perform physical work with less oxygen than needed. This translates to better endurance and explosive strength.

Where to get beet root juice? You could probably find it at the grocery store. Better yet, just buy beet roots and blend them yourself. Hey, give it a shot. You might be breathing easier!

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