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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Nutrition: EAT TO GROW!!

You may have heard this somewhere...80% of your body building success depends on your diet. Let's face it whether you are cutting, bulking, or maintaining, your diet needs to be spot on. As such, individuals struggle to find the right types of food as well as affordable sources of food. The problem is that most unhealthy foods are a lot cheaper than nutritious, wholesome foods which increases the temptation to take the easy way out. 

For muscle building purposes, protein should be the focus. Best protein sources comes from egg whites, lean meats, fish etc. For vegetarians, you can get your protein sources from lentils, beans, and supplement it with whey protein. In any case, searching for quality protein is often a hassle. It would be nice if someone could have ready to make meal packages for the time conscious and cost conscious athlete.

Enter Eat to Grow, an excellent site where you can buy pre-packaged meals based on recommendations from pro IFBB bodybuilders like Jay Cutler, Lisa Aukland, Dexter Jackson, and Gina Allioti. Eat to grow specializes in quality lean proteins including beef, chicken, turkey, bison, and sea food. All you do is order what you would like and they deliver it to your home. The prices are very reasonable considering that it would cost more to buy the same products individually in the stores. The website also features nutritional information for the various cuts of meat so you can appropriately choose your protein. Personal recommendation would be Chicken breast (it has 0g of fat!!), Bison burgers (for a change from the usual), and Steak burgers (only $39.85 for 20 (8 oz) burgers).

A good diet requires a little planning and Eat to Grow gives you that convenience along with its tasty wares.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Training: Wendler´s 5/3/1 program for intense strength

Have you ever wondered if there was a program that didn´t require endless amounts of sets or repetitions and yielded impressive strength gains? Well, you have one now!

Introducing the Wendler´s 5/3/1 program, designed to improve your overall strength and fitness. Created by Jim Wendler, a world class power lifter, the program helps trainees who have a hard time gaining power and strength. As we all know, strength is a critical aspect with regards to training. Beginners often make the mistake of focusing on building muscle, when the first they should do is to build strength. A strong foundation makes a better platform for new muscle. Eventually, the trainee burns out and plateaus and has no results to speak of.

This program is different from conventional programs and at first glance, many volume trainees will balk at the paltry reps and sets in this workout. But rest assured, the small numbers of reps and sets are designed with the express purpose of building pure strength. And let´s not forget the heavy weight you´ll be pushing!

The program focuses on he Big Three - Squats, Deadlifts, and Bench Press. These are the best mass building and strength building exercises for your body and they are simple to perform. You will only do 3 sets of each exercise at 5, 3, and 1 rep max. It´s as simple as that.

Now before you embark on this program, it is essential that you find your 1 rep max. You´ll need this to accurately calculate how much percentage of 1 rep max you need to push. Wendler however says that once you get your 1 rep max, take 90% of it and use that number as your goal. So if my 1 rep max was 100 lbs, I would first take 90% of 100, which gives me 90 lbs and I will use this weight as a reference point.

The reason Wendler decided to do this was because most trainees are not comfortable with the idea of going to their 1 rep max. It is, after all, an incredibly taxing (though satisfying!) endeavour. Consequently, most trainees don´t know how to accurately gauge their 1 rep max. Thus Wendler believes that the best way to beat the uncertainty is to take just 90% of your 1 rep max. This percentage is more than enough intensity to put on some mass and strength in your frame.

So remember, focus on the Big Three (along with assistance training) and use only 90% of your 1 rep max as your reference point. I have included a link to the actual program and encourage you to give it a try. You will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Supplement Review: Magnum Nutraceuticals Quattro

If you are like me, you want the best quality protein and a lot of it. Enter, Magnum Nutraceuticals Quattro where each serving gives you a whopping 60g of protein and it is made from a blend of isolate and milk proteins making it ideal for any meal replacement or post workout nutrition purposes. In terms of taste, Quattro is incredibly delicious especially Chocolate Love.

Now you may have noticed that Quattro can be a bit pricey ($35.95 for 2lbs and $74.95 for 5 lbs) compared to other proteins however you can stretch your dollar more by halving the serving size or taking Quattro on workout days only. In my opinion, the cost is quite reasonable considering the superior quality of proteins in this product.

So if you want a serious protein product, Quattro is your best bet.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nutrition: Fat Free Beef Stix from SciFit

Stop! Before you reach for that cookie, consider some of your options! One of the main problems while dieting are the hunger pangs that often creep up on us between meals. At times it becomes so discomforting that we have no choice but to eat whatever is there in sight...which usually means some kind of junk food.

I too suffered from the same problem and it´s really hard to find affordable and nutritious snacks in the market. Well it´s not hard anymore; Fat Free Beef Stix by Sci Fit nutrition is an excellent and tasty snack replacement.

With 15 grams of beefy protein per stick and made from all natural ingredients, you couldn´t ask for a better snack. It also comes in three flavors; Original, BBQ, and Teriyaki and has a 10.0 rating score. I have eaten this as well and I can safely say it is delicious and more importantly, filling. One sticks is good enough to assuage my hunger.

This will cost you about $23  for 20 sticks. You can eat them everyday of course but if you are on a budget then save the sticks as a last resort snack replacement.  Fat Free Beef Stix by Sci Fit nutrition

Equipment: V-Max Weighted Vest

Bodyweight training is an excellent way to start of any fitness regime, especially for new comers. The need for few resources and equipment and the fact that it´s free (relatively speaking) is part of its appeal. There has been some snickering at bodyweight training by some gym purists who insist that bodyweight training is inferior to free weight training because with bodyweight training there is no variable resistance to keep your muscles are constant stress. In other words, if there is no weight to push other than bodyweight, then why would a muscle grow?

The argument has some merit. You need to constantly challenge your muscles in order for them to develop. But let´s not discount the efficacy of bodyweigtht training and its functionality...after all gymnasts are a prime example of superior bodyweight training. Plus if you´re a fan of bboys (breakin), you see how bodyweight training results in amazing strength fears. Martial artists and MMA fighters are prime examples of superior body control and strength coordination. Yet those are advanced athletes who have had years of training from a young age. For those who are breaking into fitness or those who are not specifically training for events, simple bodyweight training can do wonders for the physique. However, as one gets used to the training, they need to challenge themselves to keep improving their physique. That´s where a variable resistance + bodyweight training would equal a superior workout.

Introducing the V-Max weighted vest. A boon to all bodyweight trainers and utilized by everyone from the military, firefighters, athletes, gymnasts, bboys etc. A relatively simple concept, V-Max weighted vest was designed to give your bodyweight training a serious boost in intensity. The vests start from 25 lbs (which is good enough for most novices) all the way to 150 lbs! Imagine doing push ups or pull ups with that much amount of weight. It´s vest simple to use; just choose an appropriate weight, wear the vest, and do your activity.

It wouldn´t surprise me if people balked at the price of weighted vests (from $130 all the way to $360). Yes they seem to be costly but let´s look at it comparatively:

a) A gym membership would cost the average person anywhere between $500 to $1500 a year (depending on how trendy a gym is)

b) If you bought your own weight training equipment, especially the basics like a power rack ($300...if you´re lucky) plus 500 lbs worth of weights, barbells ($750-$1000), you would see that it far exceeds the cost of the vest.

c) A variable resistance dumbbell like Powerblock costs anywhere between $500 to almost a $1000!

So clearly, you can see that the weighted vest would definitely be cheaper in comparison to other equipment. Think of it as an investment in your health. After all, they will last you a lifetime.

So go ahead and give it a try. There are other companies that sell weighted vests but I recommend V-Max because of the extensive range of vests offered, their durability and ease of use, and  satisfactory user reviews.

Lift strong, Lift long!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Want to lose fat fast? Try the Velocity Diet!

Notice I used the word "fat" and not weight. The distinction is important. Too often, people make the mistake of trying to lose weight and in the process they do end up a few pounds less but their fat content is pretty much same. So you go from being fat fat to skinny fat. Now that sucks.

So what to do? Well if you are serious about losing fat fast and without affecting your hard earned muscles then take a gander at the Velocity Diet.

The premise of the V-Diet  is too focus only on protein while keeping your overall calories low. How? By taking a liquid protein diet. Now you may be wondering what's the benefit of an all liquid diet. Well several. By taking a liquid diet you improve the bodies digestion process since digesting liquids is easier than solids. In addition you can easily control the amount of food you consume so counting calories will be a lot simpler.

This may seem extreme to some but Velocity Diet is based on science. It has taken inspiration from PSMF(Protein Sparing Modified Fast) which basically put morbidly obese patients on a liquid diet to help them lose weight so that they could be operated upon. Velocity Diet is different however in that it is a diet that is meant for athletes. The main difference is the amount of protein you will consume.

Velocity Diet Cheat Sheet:
a) You'll be taking in 6 shakes a day for the next 4 weeks. (Don't go beyond 4 weeks)

b) The shakes must be low in fat and carbs and high in protein. Which protein? That's entirely up to your taste buds and budget. Make sure your protein is made up of micellar casein because it absorbs more slowly in your body which allows you to feel full, satisfied and keeps your blood sugar stable. I recommend Xtreme Formulations Ultra Peptide

c) You are allowed one HSM (Healthy Solid Meal) each week. HSM does not mean cheat food. You must eat some lean source of protein and healthy carbs and fats. Notice it says ONE MEAL! You will still have your protein shakes but on that specific day you can replace one of those protein shakes with a HSM. 

d) You must take in additional sources of fiber and multivitamins. I recommend Myogenix Pro Fiber 
and Magnum Nutraceuticals Performance Edge.

e) Drink at least a gallon of water per day. 

And there you have it, a relatively simple but very effective fat loss diet. It is not uncommon for people to lose anywhere between 15-20 lbs in 4 weeks. It will be psychologically challenging because you will feel an emptiness associated with a lack of solid food but if you can push past that, you'll be on the road to success.

If you want to learn more about Velocity Diet then check out this article from T-Nation. They actually customize your diet plan for you and tell you exactly how many calories to take in. Avoid the products they are asking you to buy, not because they are ineffective but because you should make the best choice in terms of supplementation. On the other hand, if you want the convenience of everything being done for you, you can go ahead and order their package. Just remember, commitment and consistency!!!

News: Drink Beet Root Juice and boost your cardio!

Hate veggies? Well too bad. Researchers have found out that beet root juice improves your cardio vascular health by allowing you to do more physical work with less oxygen consumption. An experiment showed that those individuals who drank beet root juice needed 12% less oxygen to perform activities compared to the control group.

So what does this mean? It means that athletes and trainers are all very intrigued by this amazing find and want to use it to improve their performance. Hey it's also good for older folks who suffer from respiratory problems. If it allows you to do more work with less oxygen then it sounds pretty damn good to me.

How does this work? Well there are two reasons. First, beet root juice helps dilate your blood vessels allowing for more blood flow and reducing blood pressure. Second, beet root juice allows your muscle to perform physical work with less oxygen than needed. This translates to better endurance and explosive strength.

Where to get beet root juice? You could probably find it at the grocery store. Better yet, just buy beet roots and blend them yourself. Hey, give it a shot. You might be breathing easier!

Rant: The Irrational Fear of AAS (Anabolic Steroids)

Time and time again, I have seen increasing hostility and aversion to the use of steroids in sports. I agree that there is no room for using steroids in any kind of competitive competition. However, what about personal use? Do individuals have the right to use AAS for their own personal development? And do steroids deserve to be criminalized? Why? Is steroid abuse as prevalent as heroin, cocaine, or marijuana use? Is it just as destructive to you and individuals around you? These questions make you wonder why anabolic steroids have suddenly become the "boogie man".

After the whole Mark McGwire incident and high profile deaths of some major sporting figures (Chris Benoit comes to mind), the politicians have become unusually vocal about their opposition to steroid use in sports. But they did so because these incidents became sensationalized by the media and politicians (who of course crave attention) suddenly jumped on the bandwagon demonizing every aspect of steroid use. Now they are introducing extensive legislation to make AAS procurement extremely hard to reach and closing down all UGL (under ground labs) who make steroids (which is a good thing because most UGLs sell tainted or under dosed AAS).

However, we have to look at this pragmatically. Is steroid use extremely prevalent in sports? It used too in the past but with increasingly stringent testing procedures, it has become very difficult to take AAS during competition. Is steroid use dangerous? Yes, it definitely can be especially if you don´t know what you are doing and how much to take. Is AAS socially disruptive compared to hard drugs like cocaine, heroin, or something as common as nicotine? Well, despite a few high profile cases involving steroids, there have been only a few steroid related deaths or steroid associated violence. Nothing on the scale of hardcore narcotics.

That´s where the problem lies; misperception and mischaracterization. There is general assumption that anyone who takes steroids will become a massive, violent, out of control neanderthal who will make a lousy role model for kids and who cheats at sports. This is far from the truth and the fact is that individuals who do use steroids still have to work hard on their diet, exercise, rest and recovery and prevent side effects. It´s not a magic pill!

So how does one use steroids in their life? The most common and legal use of steroids are for people who need HRT (Hormone replacement therapy). HRT has shown great promise in helping older individuals have a better quality of life. These individuals are under constant supervision from their doctors and take controlled doses. Then you have the casual bodybuilder or strength athlete looking to increase strength or muscularity. Those goals in itself are not intrinsically harmful. God knows what kinds of snake oils people buy only to find out their hard earned money went to the toilet. Certain AAS are quite conducive to muscle growth and strength development. The trick is to use the AAS responsibly and just like patients on HRT, use controlled doses and proper precautions.

It´s no secret that manipulating your hormones can cause certain side effects. That can be said for any kind of medication. Thus one needs to mentally prepare for the consequences and take all precautions possible to ensure  a safe and side effect free use of steroids. It can be done without causing any complications. However, I must reiterate that under no circumstances should anyone below the age of 21 use steroids. Even if steroid use can be done safely, the ramifications and potential problems it can cause to the underage will be damaging for life. In my professional opinion, no one should even think of using steroids until they are 25 years old and have at least 5 years training experience. Why? Because you want to reach your genetic potential first. You want to exhaust what your body is capable of and for most people, that is more than enough; steroid use shouldn´t even be an option. However for those individuals who have already reached their genetic limit and have plateaued in their gains, they can consider using steroids to help surpass their genetic level.

If you decide to use steroids, you must keep in mind that you´re diet and training have to be spot on. You need to eat clean and up your calories because of the nitrogen retention effect of steroids. Without a proper diet, any steroid protocol will leave you with all the side effects possible and no results. The same goes for training. Training while on steroid use, must be intense and consistent. In addition, if you are taking steroids, you need to take ancillaries to protect your liver, kidneys, prostrate, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, hair etc. And the most important aspect of steroid use is recovery, specifically PCT (Post cycle therapy). You need to have an appropriate PCT protocol to ensure that your body´s endogenous testosterone production is kick started. If you fail to do so, you will cause hormonal havoc in your body which will have adverse effects on your health (especially sexual health).

I will say this again, most people do not need steroids to reach their health and fitness goals. However, those who want to push past their genetic limit for their own personal self improvement (not competition), they must adhere to strict precautions and proper protocols to ensure a smooth, side effect free cycle. It is is preparation and patience that yields the best gains.

(This can be achieved without steroids!!)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Training: The Awesomeness of Dumbbell Snatch and Dumbbell Swing

Sometimes we fear certain exercises simply because they look difficult. Other times we ignore certain exercises believing that they would be a waste of time and unable to stimulate any muscle growth. Where Dumbbell Swings and Snatches fit in this spectrum; I have no idea. I would assume that both reasons make people shy away from these two incredibly effective exercises.

Taking a page from old time strength training, I can safely say that these two exercises will alter your physique and strength levels rapidly. Why? Because they work almost all the muscles of the body. Imagine that, doing just two basic movements and stimulating all your muscle fibers from head to toe.

 One of my favorite aspects of these two exercises is the relatively simple set up and execution. Now of course one must learn the proper technique to perform any exercise (unless you want an injury) but the learning curve is remarkably easy.

Note: For the Dumbbell Swing, you can either use two hands (like the vid) or one hand like this gentleman:
And really that´s all there is to it. You´re getting a great cardiovascular workout (especially if you do light weights and more reps) and a great strength/muscle building workout (heavy weight/less reps/more sets). Plus there are so many other additional benefits; your grip, wrist and forearm will become stronger, your core (abs/obliques/lowerback/hips) will become stronger, you´ll notice an improvement in your balance and stability in other exercises and if you are a martial artist, you can expect more powerful punches and kicks. 

I also like these two exercises as an alternative to squats and deadlifts. There are some people out there who don´t have access to squat or deadlift equipment or who cannot perform those movements (for whatever reason). Of course you don´t want to neglect your lower body so the best alternative would be to do these two exercises. Of course you can add Snatches and Swings to complement your deadlifts and squats workout.

If you are still unsure about relying on two exercises to train your whole body, by all means, add in additional exercises you feel proper. For example, if you want greater core training, you can perform Turkish Get Ups
Now this gentleman is using Kettlebells (which are a fantastic piece of equipment..if you can, get them). If you are having trouble doing a full Turkish, then you can just go half way and come back. In time you´ll be strong enough to complete the whole movement. 

Additionally, you may be worried that your chest is not getting enough stimulation. Well by all means, add in the bench press. Basically you´re trying to do the minimum possible while still making great gains, and for beginners, they certainly will. 

If you want even more torture (or fun!), then consider this all body exercise: 
Now this kid is using a barbell but if you don´t have one or you are looking for a real challenge, then try it with a dumbbell. It may seem deceptively easy but don´t let the exercise fool´re going to have to use every ounce of balance and strength to keep from crashing. 

I won´t specify how many reps or sets you have to do; that´s entirely up to you. Train the way you want to train and adjust accordingly to your needs and goals. Just remember to be consistent (try doing them 2-3 times a week; one heavy session and one light session). 

Alright! Get Snatchin and Swingin!!

Supplement Review: Magnum Nutraceuticals Performance Edge

Let´s face it. Most people hate eating vegetables. 8 time Olympia winner Ronnie Coleman hates them too. In fact he always removes every last piece of tomato from his rice at the restaurant (I wonder why he doesn´t just order plain rice...) But the reality is that we need to eat fruits and vegetables to ensure a happy and healthy life. Now, I won´t go on the preaching mode or try to convince you to eat your veggies (there are plenty of people who already do that...your mother for instance) BUT if the thought of eating broccoli or bean sprouts makes you gag, here´s the supplement for you.

Magnum Nutraceuticals Performance Edge

Veggie Haters rejoice! Finally there is a supplement that has a comprehensive list of certified organic ingredients all with generous doses. Performance Edge contains 75 organic ingredients It can be considered a super multi vitamin covering all your fruits and veggie servings, healthy fats, fibers, digestive enzymes and more. What´s more, the taste of the product is rather good. Normally the various ingredients all impart a certain flavour (some downright disgusting), but Performance Edge actually tastes quite good! At the moment they have only Wild Berry flavor but it is genuinely good tasting. You can easily mix this in your protein shake or a plain glass of water. For most people, 1 serving is all you need. If you are an advanced athlete, then you can take 1 serving in the morning and 1 before bedtime. Either way, you´re getting an incredible amount of healthy nutrients to energize and revitalize your body.

In terms of pricing, I find it to be quite reasonable. $29.99 for 250g (30 servings) and $54.95 for 500g (60 servings). Basically each serving will cost you a buck a day...that´s a lot cheaper than pretty much all vegetables and fruits that I know. The product has also received rave reviews from people who have given it a 9.5/10 rating. That´s pretty good in my books.

The Ideal Bulking and Cutting Diet

When it comes to health and fitness, diet is key. We all know that if we eat healthy, we´ll feel healthy. But often times we don´t know how much to eat. Remember when it comes to dietary manipulation, you have three variables you can tinker with; Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fats. Protein is the building block of muscle and you need it at a consistent amount. This is one variable where too much manipulation is not recommended. Thus it really boils down to manipulating the remaining two variables. Fat and Carbohydrates are your energy sources. In simple terms, Fat energy is used more for endurance types events while Carbohydrates are used for explosive or strenuous physical exertion. 1 gram of fat has 9 calories of energy while 1 gram of Carbohydrates has 4 calories. (Protein, by the way, also has 4 calories of energy). 

Now to set up a proper bulking or cutting diet, you need to find out how many calories you need to consume in the first place. In other words, you need to calculate your BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate. Your BMR means that you need a specific amount of calories for your body to survive. Now a lot of fitness and diet books stop right there and use that data to create a nutritional program. But that is a big mistake because your BMR calculates only your survival calories at a completely sedentary (bed ridden) state. Believe it or not, you are active the whole day (even if you´re just doing some light house work) which means you are burning additional calories that you need to account for. In order to do this, you need to find your BMR and then take that number and implement it in the Harris-Benedict Equation. Why? Because then you can get an accurate view of how many calories you need to maintain your current weight. 

Let´s use an example:

  • If a man´s BMR is 2100 calories that means that this person will need 2100 calories for his body to function properly. But remember! This is assuming he´s completely sedentary.
  • Taking my 2100 calories BMR, I then plug in the number in the Harris-Benedict Equation.Assuming the individual is lightly active, you would multiply 2100 x 1.375 which gives 2887.5 calories.
  • What does this mean? It means that the individual would need 2887.5 calories (accounting for his survival needs and lightly active lifestyle) in order to maintain his weight.
Now that we have an accurate assessment of our caloric needs, we have to organize a bulking or cutting protocol. 

Bulking Protocol:
  • If you want to increase your weight, then ideally you would consume 300- 500 calories over maintenance. 
  • So if my overall calories needed is 2887.5, then I would need between 3187.5 to 3387.5 calories. 
  • This will be distributed in the following way:
Protein = 1 gram+ per pound of bodyweight
Ex. If I weigh 215 lbs, I would consume minimum 215g of protein. This gives me 860 calories.

Carbohydrates = 1.5 - 2 grams per pound of bodyweight
Ex. If I weight 215 lbs, I would consume minimum 400g of Carbohydrates. This would give me 1600 calories.

So already we have taken in 1600+860=2460 calories. The remaining calories are made up from healthy fat sources. So if we take 3187.5 calories - 2460 calories = 727.5 calories will come from fat. Just divide this by 9 and we get 80.8 grams of fat. 

Cutting Protocol:
Works similarly to the Bulking Protocol, but we seek to reduce our calories. In this case, we take our overall calories consumed and minus it by 300-500 calories. So we are aiming for between 2600 to 2900 calories. Here´s how it works.

Protein - 1 gram+ per pound of bodyweight
Why? Because we need to maintain consistent levels of protein to build muscle mass.
Ex. If I weigh 215 lbs, I would consume minimum 215g of protein. This gives me 860 calories.

Carbohydrates - 1 gram per pound of bodyweight
This is where we start manipulating our nutrients to suit fat loss. 
Ex. If I weight 215 lbs, I would consume minimum 215g of Carbohydrates. This would give me 860 calories.

So far, we have consumed 1720 calories. If we take the low tier number of calories (i.e. 2600), this would mean that we need 880 calories to come from fat. That translates to 97.8g of fat. 

And there it is folks, a simple understanding of nutrient manipulation to improve your life. Remember, all this is not written in stone. You can manipulate your nutrient variables to suit your goals but always be consistent and follow a plan. It will lead you to greater success.