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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tea Tree Oil: A new wonder supplement!

I'm always on the lookout for new health and wellness supplements and while perusing, I found this rather interesting "herb". Australian Tea Tree Oil which is used by the aborigines has been shown to have incredible antiseptic, antiviral, antibiotic, and anti fungal properties. Many people use this particular oil to heal wounds, clean infections, and use it for overall skin health. With so many positive reviews on Amazon, I had to get this product and check on its purported health benefits. So I got myself two tea tree oil products; one was tea tree chewing sticks and a bottle of pure tea tree oil. 

The chewing sticks from Thursday Plantation were phenomenal. Meant to help smokers quit and clean one's mouth, I found it really pleasant and far more comfortable than chewing gum. In addition, the tea tree oil seemed to have cleaned my mouth particularly well and my breath was fresh, teeth white, and overall I had a great feeling in my mouth. As someone who likes eating, I found the chewing sticks quite helpful in preventing me from unnecessary snacking and for only $3.49, they are well worth their value as each chewing stick lasts for several hours. I definitely give this product a resounding thumbs up.


The next product I tried was Tea Tree Oil by Good N Natural. As I get very oil skin and prone to acne and breakouts, I used it as a facial cleanser to see if it made any impact. I noticed within three days that my skin started clearing up and my face looked neat and clean. To check it's antiseptic properties, I applied the oil to my skin which was riddled with mosquito bites. Amazingly within a few days, all the mosquito bites cleared up. This thing has so many uses; I used it to wash my hair and it was awesome; my hair was nice and slick and there was no more dry skin on my scalp. I could even use the tree oil as a mouthwash (don't swallow it though!). This product has so many uses and is incredibly effective.


I recommend both of them. The chewing sticks are a great way to take care of your teeth and breath (and dieting) and the oil is great for your skin. Give them a shot!

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