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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Don't Blame Genetics!

Too often we've heard certain individuals claiming that they could not make any progress in their fitness goals because they were not genetically predisposed to having a fit and healthy body. Of course that meant that they would have no pangs of guilt as they chowed down on a Philly cheese steak and ate a gallon of ice cream. After all, if their genetics aren't helping, then why fight the inevitable right?

WRONG!!! People who insist that genetics are the end all, be all to fitness are simply ignorant and looking for a convenient excuse of not making any effort. To assume that all the pro bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts succeed because they are genetically predisposed somehow gives the impression that they didn't work hard for it; that they simply became lean and ripped without any effort. Lucky devils no? However, that is a mistaken assumption. Pro athletes have suffer a lot of pains and strains to get to their peak physical conditions and they suffer for it. They may have the genetics for peak physical fitness but they still have to earn their prowess through blood, sweat, and tears.

The average layman uses genetics as an excuse of justifying his/her failure to achieve their fitness goals and to not eat healthy. The real reason for failure is bot just an improper diet or workout; it is the failure of their mind. Your body is a living and thinking machine; it responds not just to physical stimuli but also mental stimuli. If you admit defeat or justify failure, your mind set regresses and your body follows suit. That's why bodybuilding is really a mind game; only those who are patient and focused achieve their goals.

Genetics does play a part; there is no doubt about it. Some people are predisposed to physical fitness while some are not. That does not mean that they are stuck like that forever. They can succeed in their fitness goals but they need to work harder at it. Genetics simply the directs the speed of your development. Fast results are great but slow and steady is just as good.

So don't blame your genetics for your failure. Train your mind to think positive; if you do, then your body will respond to that positive feeling. Don't let failure get you down. Always try to stay positive, encourage yourself, tell your mind and body that you will never give up and you will succeed.

Train hard, be hard!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tea Tree Oil: A new wonder supplement!

I'm always on the lookout for new health and wellness supplements and while perusing, I found this rather interesting "herb". Australian Tea Tree Oil which is used by the aborigines has been shown to have incredible antiseptic, antiviral, antibiotic, and anti fungal properties. Many people use this particular oil to heal wounds, clean infections, and use it for overall skin health. With so many positive reviews on Amazon, I had to get this product and check on its purported health benefits. So I got myself two tea tree oil products; one was tea tree chewing sticks and a bottle of pure tea tree oil. 

The chewing sticks from Thursday Plantation were phenomenal. Meant to help smokers quit and clean one's mouth, I found it really pleasant and far more comfortable than chewing gum. In addition, the tea tree oil seemed to have cleaned my mouth particularly well and my breath was fresh, teeth white, and overall I had a great feeling in my mouth. As someone who likes eating, I found the chewing sticks quite helpful in preventing me from unnecessary snacking and for only $3.49, they are well worth their value as each chewing stick lasts for several hours. I definitely give this product a resounding thumbs up.


The next product I tried was Tea Tree Oil by Good N Natural. As I get very oil skin and prone to acne and breakouts, I used it as a facial cleanser to see if it made any impact. I noticed within three days that my skin started clearing up and my face looked neat and clean. To check it's antiseptic properties, I applied the oil to my skin which was riddled with mosquito bites. Amazingly within a few days, all the mosquito bites cleared up. This thing has so many uses; I used it to wash my hair and it was awesome; my hair was nice and slick and there was no more dry skin on my scalp. I could even use the tree oil as a mouthwash (don't swallow it though!). This product has so many uses and is incredibly effective.


I recommend both of them. The chewing sticks are a great way to take care of your teeth and breath (and dieting) and the oil is great for your skin. Give them a shot!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Promotional: TACFIT Bodyweight Workouts are Hot!

I just stumbled across this amazing bodyweight training program. TACFIT was designed by Scott Sannon who took the best elements of US Navy SEAL and Marine corps training and made it accessible to us regular joes. The exercises are all done without need for equipment, weights, or gyms.

What makes TACFIT different from the rest is that it uses actual military training, making it practical, effective, and result specific.

Elite gymnasts, martial artists, and other athletes are proof that bodyweight training exercises are legit and very effective in building solid physiques. Most militaries and special forces also use bodyweight training as the main component for any fitness regime.

So, whether you want to build muscle, increase strength, improve cardio, TACFIT has it all. Give it a shot!.

Click Here!

Training: Wave Theory for big muscle gains

We are always looking for a breakthrough in bodybuilding to force our bodies to build even more muscle mass. Consequently, we tend to push ourselves to our limits in the hopes that every bit of strain will result in progress. Well, this debilitating idea must be tossed out. The fact is that the more you push and strain yourself, the higher the risk for injury and the greater the need for rest and recuperation. If you constantly train to the brink of your capacity, you inevitably hurt your central nervous system (CNS) which effects your strength. Thus your progress starts to slow, you start to feel physically weak, and the weight which you could previously lift without any problems, now becomes an impossible task.

So what's the rememdy? How can we prevent this plateau in gains and strength. I pondered this over and took a look at prevailing training ideas. I realized that muscles like variety. Just like individuals, muscles get bored of the same training protocol; and a bored muscle will not respond to any old stimulation. Thus doing set after set is not the best way to go. In addition, periodization is not enough because, again, your not giving your muscles any thrill of being stimulated since they are so used to the protocol. So what you need is a way to challenge your muscles in every workout and give it a reason to grow. More importantly, you need to give a variety of stimulation to activate hypertrophy. So rather than using the same weight and doing set after set, or going from light weights to heavy in a linear fashion, let's vary the weights!

This is where my Wave Theory comes in. Wave theory takes the principle of volume training and periodized training and adds to it a certain variety to help stimulate the muscle and always leave it guessing.

Conventional programs often begin like this


10x10 (same weight)

Wave Theory
1x10 (ex. 100 lbs)
1x8 (ex. 110 lbs)
1x6 (ex. 120 lbs)
1x8 (ex. 115 lbs
1x10 (ex. 110 lbs)
1x8 (ex. 120 lbs)
1x6 (ex. 130 lbs)
1x8 (ex. 130 lbs)
1x10 (ex. 120 lbs)

And that's the basic idea! As you can see, you have incorporated both periodized training and volume but you also add in an element of variation in the weights. Rather than just staying with one weight or going from low to high, you are going low to high, then high to low, then low to high! This way, your muscle will be confused and thus respond even better to the next weight load because it doesn't know what to expect. Even with the lower weight, the intensity still increases because the rep ranges are different. This here folks is the perfect system to beat plateaus and emphasize hypertrophy.

Do you need to do all those sets? No. Depending on how many exercises you plan to do for a body part, you could do a single wave (10,8,6,8,10) especially for smaller body parts.

Just as an individual gets bored from monotony and routine, so do muscles when it comes to training. You can strain, you can grunt, you can curse etc. But if you do something that bores the muscle, then it will never grow. Therefore, you must shock the muscle by leaving it guessing as to what punishment will it have to endure next. Give this program a try and see the amazing results.

Muscle: "Don't bore me bro!"

Wednesday, February 9, 2011 Supplement Rating 9.0 and above

Well folks, I took the time to compile a list of supplements from with a rating of 9.0 and above. As the site lacks sorting capabiltiies based on ratings, I decided to make one myself. You can see the names of the supplements in alphabetical order along with their respective ratings. I also made another table to show you which supplement companies were repeatedly on the chart (3 or more times).


Supplement Rating Spreadsheet 9.0 and above            


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Workout to attract Chicks!

Have you ever wanted to just workout enough so that you can look desirable to women? Is physical fitness more of an image thing then a health issue for you? If so, then welcome to the Attracting Women Workout (AWW).

Women have peculiar tastes when it comes to men. Some women like big strong guys and others like dainty nancy boys. Howoever, if your target range for attracting chicks is between 15-25 (no pedos please!) then you have to train sort of inbetween the two extremes to build a body that is not too big, nor too small and which emphasizes certain muscle groups.

Now, what body parts do women like the most? Right of the bat, women are immediately attracted to a man´s upper body. That is where the "beauty" lies. So that means training your legs is a waste of time. So what muscles of the upper body do women like? A nice developed chest (no pecs, no sex!), well defined bicpes, broad shoulders, and of course washboard abs.

And that´s basically it. You don´t need to waste your time training other body parts. Women could care less about the size of your back, triceps, calves, quads, hamstrings etc. Women also don´t give a damn whether you deadlift 800 lbs or squat 500 lbs. All they want to see is the image, that Adonis look, a look that wants them to spread warm marmelade on your body and lick it off (WTF?!).

You don´t even need to use weights for this workout. You can simply suffice with push ups, crunches, pull ups, and chins. Of course, if you add some resistance training, you´ll get better results so focus on the bench press, military press, bicep curls, pullups, and weighted ab resistance. Remember to do a lot of cardio because you need to get your bodyfat as low as possible. Needless to say, your diet must be spot on.

There you have it folks, a workout dedicated to attracting women. It is simple, effective, and goal specific. Traditionalists might scoff at such a workout but let them; after all you´ll be getting all the hot girls.

  Women don´t really like this                                       Women love this!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

News: NUTRAPLANET having a New Years Sale!!

Great news for all supplement junkies! NUTRAPLANET is having a  New Years sale on a lot of top products including Controlled Labs, Palo Alto Labs, I-Force, VPX, Primaforce etc! Holy smokes, most of these supplements have been discounted by 50% or more! You gotta check it out while the sale is still on!